Our Digital Rainforest Scrapbook

We have been learning many different things about one type of ecosystem called the Rainforest.  You all know where rain forests are found in the world, what the layers of the forests are, what lives there and how they are effected by humans.  Over the next few days, we are going to be showing what we now know about rain forests by creating a digital scrapbook.  

Your scrapbook will be created on your blogger accounts as a new blog and can be titled whatever you like.  There are different activities that you will do for each post and at the end of this, we will share our scrapbooks with our classmates. 

1. Each day we work on this you will read one post on the "RAINFOREST ENVIRONMENT" blog.
2. Read the directions and complete the assignment. 
3. After you complete an assignment, you will see that after each one there is a place for you to select either "easy for me," "just right for me," "hard for me" or "boring." You can check one or more of these to tell me how you feel about the project.  

Before the end of this unit, please make sure that you can say "This is my best work." If you need to redo some things, that's okay.  You will be graded on your effort and the thought you put into your work. 

I hope you are excited to start scrapbooking and sharing your knowledge.  Now, look at the first activity.  This one we will do together.